BOOST Your Health and Productivity with My Creative Routine
Nov 07, 2024
Ever notice how winter just makes everything harder? The dark mornings, the cold air, and that overwhelming sense of "I just want to stay cozy and do nothing." Yep, been there, done that. But I’ve discovered that the real game-changer in this season is having a consistent morning routine. It can boost your productivity by an astounding 40%!
I’m Karen, your BFF and host of the Creative Life in Motion show. Today, I’m sharing my winter morning routine that not only keeps me productive but also lifts my spirits during these gloomy months.
Let's dive in. 🌟
The first thing I do when I wake up is hydrate. Honestly, it’s a lifesaver. You’re dehydrated after a night’s sleep, so gulping down a glass of water first thing is essential. Next, it's out the door with my dog. Even though it’s dark and chilly, I strap on my hat and forehead flashlight and we head out. It's our little quiet time together under the stars or foggy skies. This alone reconnects me with nature and gives a profound sense of gratitude, setting a positive tone for the day.
Back inside, I pour my coffee and sit down at my desk to write. The secret to my productivity here? I always prep the night before, so I know exactly what I'll be working on. This way, I avoid any morning brain fog and jump straight into my creative zone.
Having a happy light on my desk has also been a blessing. I started using one a few years ago to fend off seasonal depression, and it’s made a big difference. I skipped it a couple of weekends to "test" if I still needed it—spoiler alert, I sure did! Now it’s a non-negotiable part of my morning routine, at least during the bleak winter months.
After my writing session, it’s time to fuel my body. I whip up a quick protein shake, and then it’s off for a walk with my furry friend. This isn’t just any walk; it’s 30 minutes of connecting with nature, soaking in the early daylight, and allowing the exercise to uplift my mood. If the weather's too wild, I adapt with a basement workout, but the key is to move my body every morning.
We all love our cozy moments, but having a structured routine—even in winter—is a game-changer. It keeps me excited and productive, and I hope it can do the same for you. So give it a try! Hydrate, move, and embrace those dark, magical mornings.
What does your morning routine look like? Share it in the comments below on the YouTube video. Let’s inspire each other to stay productive and joyful, even during the winter.
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